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The War for the Tree - M.A. Fitzgerald - PRE-BUY SIGNED (paperback)
Erin and the Mouse by Clare Latham - SIGNED copies (paperback)
I Spied for Stalin
A Spy Called Swallow
The ordinary series book 1 –House of Pigs translation to German -awards FINALIST
Kingswraith: and the Vadhaka
Antecedent series book 3: Royal Gambit
Nightmare: The unfolding of a world crisis
Little Tommy & the Kingdom of Clouds book 2: Adventures in Sports and the Arts
Litte Tommy and the Kingdom of Clouds book 1: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge
Kingswraith: Taste no Pity
Spoddle the Frog
Dennis to Alice by George S Boughton - a MOVIE in a book - SIGNED
Autobiology of a Vet by John Sauvage
The Adventures of Doogie series – Doogie and the Pyramid of Dungalore
Plants & Us: How they shape human history & society
You are Noah! Introduction – with Noah's Ark TV series 1 FREE to watch
Time's Up! But what brought us to this?
Antecedent series book 2: Nova Descent